Scorpio Horoscope 2024

Scorpio Horoscope 2024

This year will be full of troubles for Scorpio persons. For the whole year Saturn's rotation will be in the fourth house. Saturn's dhaiyya's effect will be on your zodiac for the whole year. In this year Scorpio people will have problems caused by their enemies. Your health needs attention. There will be tremendous ups and downs. Besides, I would like to warn you about some serious and fatal disease. Leave the bad habits and addictions. In the middle of the year, there is danger of some seasonal diseases, cold, cough, diarrhea, etc. Take special care of your diet. Organize your daily routine apart from doing yoga, exercise, pranayama, etc. There will be tremendous efforts to get the works on the tracks. Trusting anyone in the money matters will end in betrayal, so take extra care on each step. Till May, Jupiter is in the sixth house and the rotating Jupiter can cause the worry about an elder's health or that of some close relative. For, you may have to visit hospitals frequently. You will search for the new possibilities of business and trade but the success will be partial.

There will be business contracts in this year, you can sign some big deal or contract. But be alert and don't sign without reading any documents. Business expansion plans will be delayed. There are chances of losses from the lottery, gambling, and betting. Money will be stuck somewhere. Your boss or senior officers may not be satisfies with your work. Some important postings or important projects could be handed over to you. Scorpio people should be alert in money matters or exchange. Saturn is in the fourth house, so there will be problems with the mother's
health and there will be problems in official works. You should use your efficiency and capabilities in the job. Don't compromise or take your career lightly. Try to solve the problem through a mediator.

In this year, Saturn will be rotating in the fourth house so the dhaiyya's effect will be for the whole year. But from 30th June to 25th November, Saturn will be retrogressive so your invested money could be drowned. Drive the vehicle carefully, otherwise, some losses might happen. You may get some sad news about some relative. Don't lend your money; otherwise, there could be betrayal or deceit. The almost finishing works will be stuck.

This year in the matters of physical pleasure, your habits, and your addiction could be your enemies. Leave the bad habits, alcohol, gutka, tobacco, cigarettes, etc otherwise, these could be tremendously harmful. Till May, Jupiter in the sixth house is the cause of it. Take special care of your diet. Drive the vehicle very carefully between 30th June 15th November, otherwise, some unpleasant incident might happen. There will be problems with old diseases, even seasonal sickness will also attack. To get the health boost, chant the mantra "Om Mritunjay Namah” five times daily.

Scorpio Business, Career and Wealth Horoscope:
In this, Scorpio people shouldn't trust anyone in the business. Whomever you will trust in the money matters, will end up giving you betrayal. There will be ups and downs in business in this year. You will do very hard work and labour. You will experiment with new things for the betterment of the business. This will have very little impact, but things will be as before. In business and trade, you may get a tough competition in business from competitors and opponents. Resolve business disputes with patience and moderation. Money won't be saved. Money will be ready to be spent before earning. You may lose a big order or contract. Partners will support you in your work but keep an alert eye on the activities of subordinates and colleagues. They might leak important information. There may be the profits for the persons doing business in land, iron, oil or commissioned work. Saturn will be retrogressively rotating between 30th June to 15th November. There will be unpredictable expenditures in the business, some machinery may break down affecting production. Financial matters will be stuck. In the job, you may be scolded by the boss or officers. There is the danger of unwilling workloads being transfered on you. You won't be able to get the target. It's very important to do the Saturn's peace solution. Put on the "Shani Mudrika" in your hand.

Scorpio Home, Family, Children and Relatives Horoscope:
In this year you will feel that every family member is standing behind you in the tough times. The Scorpio persons should avoid taking emotional decisions in this year. Take the decisions with your mind in place of your heart. Saturn will be in the fourth place for the whole year, so there will be some small verbal exchanges with your life partner. In this year mother's health will be weak. There will be property and division disputes but they will get resolved in time. Due to Rahu's fifth place, for the whole year will cause of worry for children's activities, daily routine and behaviour. There will be worrying situations for children's career, marriage, and studies. During the retrogressive rotation of Saturn between 30th June to 15th November there could be frequent visits to the hospital for some family member's health. Despite these, you will extend your helping hand towards needy relatives in difficult situation. Stay away from the social works, or you could be criticized. There may be some false allegations against you.

Scorpio Education, Learning and Career Horoscope:
In this year Scorpio person's exam results will be weaker. There will distraction in the studies. Foreign aspirants students will have documents, passport, and visa problems. Stay away from love affairs and relations, otherwise, you will waste your studies and career. There will be career offers but there are some
obstacles which are clearly seen in their getting fulfilled. Sometimes there will be thoughts in the mind for the serious and committed studies. Devguru Jupiter is in the sixth place till 1st May. After 1s¹ May there will be seriousness in the studies.

Scorpio Love Relationships and Friends Horoscope:
The fifth placed Rahu will keep the situations of love affairs and love relations, but somewhere love relations could be the cause of infamy and a bad name. You won't be able to keep your love relations a secret, and it will create tensions in the family, so you should avoid extramarital affairs. Sometimes there could be misunderstandings between lovers. Your friends will always be ready to help you as much as possible. You will be happy with meeting old friends suddenly. Though in this period, you should stay alert of your enemies.

Scorpio Vehicle, Expenditure and Auspicious Work Horoscope:
This year there will be frequent expenditures on the vehicle, and this will trouble you. In this year drive carefully and while driving follow the traffic safety rules like helmet, seatbelt, etc. The maintenance expenditures of land, plot, etc, will trouble you. There will be more expenses in this year. During the 30th June to 15th November period, in the retrogressive period of Saturn, expenditures will be more. Some unpredicted and useless expenses will unbalance your financial budget. In this year there will not be any auspicious or important work situations. There will be some chances but will be frequent obstacles will be there.

Scorpio Losses, Debt and Untoward Incidents Horoscope:
There 's a strong possibility of losses in the business or trade. Take every step very carefully. Don't lend your noney to anyone otherwise, you will be sweating it out to get it back. In this year, due to the dhaiyya of aturn you may have to take loans for daily expenses and children's fees, etc. For any uncanny event, in this year, there could be some unpleasant incident happening with some relative between 30th June to 15th November.

Scorpio Travel Horoscope:
In this year, there are no special noticeable achievements or chances. There will be some small business tours but even you won't get desired success in these travels.

Remedial Measures for Scorpio:
To increase the auspiciousness of the year, go to the Lord Hanuman temple every Tuesday and Saturday.
Leave non-vegetarian food and alcohol on Tuesdays. Keep one copper vessel filled with water near your head at night and drink it in the morning. Chant "Hanuman Chalisa". Wear the triangular Coral of 5 and 1/4 ratti in copper. 

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