
Rs.21,000 This stone is usually found in different shades of green, usually from light to dark greens. It is a compound of aluminum, oxygen, and beryllium. This stone is visually very pleasant. It is soothing and cooling to the eye. Usually, this stone comes with black spots and it is hard to find an emerald that is pure and crystal clear.

5 Ratti (4.55 Carat)

Free Certified Laboratory Report



9X7 mm.


Gemstone Description

Weight: 5 Ratti
Benefits: Used For Astrological & Healing Benefits.
Wear As Pendant, Ring Or Bracelet.
Quantity: 1
Certification: Free Certified Laboratory Report
Dispatch Time: 7 working Days

This stone is usually found in different shades of green, usually from light to dark greens. It is a compound of aluminum, oxygen, and beryllium. This stone is visually very pleasant. It is soothing and cooling to the eye. Usually, this stone comes with black spots and it is hard to find an emerald that is pure and crystal clear. 

What emerald stands for

As per astrology, Emerald denotes the planet mercury. This signifies wisdom, intellect, mental capacity, speech, memory etc. of every individual. This is the stone that governs the Lord of Virgo and Gemini zodiac sign. Since mercury is closest to the sun and the emerald is green in color, it is believed that they signify trade, business and intellect.

When mercury is in a negative position, it leads to a lack of memory, issues with speech, improper concentration, insomnia and other conditions. If it is combined with any malefic planet, you may find yourself in the midst of fraudulent deals, thefts, and similar issues. In case of family relations, mercury is associated with the younger sister. When Mercury is in a strong position, you are blessed with intelligence and wisdom.

What emerald does for a person 

When one wears an emerald, he is blessed with success, intelligence, and wisdom. This stone is worn when Mercury is in a weak position or has any malefic aspects. You get a lot of cooperation from your siblings, especially your younger sister when you wear an emerald. 

The placement of Mercury in a weak position also gives person traits like lying and cheating. 

How does emerald benefit? 

You can wear an emerald in the form of a ring or a pendant. The aura generated by the stone makes a person capable of overcoming obstacles and hurdles. The individual is able to concentrate better as well. 

This stone is extremely beneficial in academics, especially in fields like Law or Commerce. Children who suffer from poor memory can benefit extensively with this gem. It is recommended that writers, accountants, traders and businessmen wear Emerald for more prosperity and success. It helps improve logic and reason as well. 

Health issues like epilepsy, a weak mind, asthma, insanity and mental disorder can be overcome by wearing an emerald. They can also be worn by protecting an individual from these issues.

How the stone is worn

It is recommended to wear emerald in a silver or gold ring. You must wear it on a Wednesday morning after the stone has been dipped in Gangajal or raw milk after energizing the gem with certain mantras that have been prescribed. This gem is soothing and peaceful by nature. 

After a careful analysis of your horoscope, Emerald is recommended to you by Vedic Astrologers at Astroyukti. Whenever you decide to wear a gemstone, make sure that it is right for you. Since these stones emit powerful vibrations, they can change the way you think and emote and should, therefore, only be worn when recommended by an accomplished astrologer

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