Planetary position:- In the beginning of the month, Ketu in the 2nd house of Virgo, Sun+Saturn in the 7th house of Aquarius, Mercury+Moon+ Venus+Rahu in the 8th house of Pisces, Jupiter house of Gemini; are in transit. in the 10th house of Taurus, and Mars in the 11th
1st to 7th March:- The first two days of the opening week of the month may not be favourable. Health-related problems may occur on the 1st and 2nd because of the conjunction of Moon+Rahu+ Mercury+Venus in the 8th house on the 1st and 2nd Your behaviour will be irritable. There is a possibility of losses in the business. Do not make any new investments at the moment. The time will be favourable on the 3rd and 4th. You will gain abundant money at this time. You will experience a series of emotions. Your work will be improving.
You will benefit from the sale and purchase of the land. The 5th, 6th, and 7th are days that will enchance your prestige and respect. There will be success in court cases. Your enemies and opponents will be vanquished. Everyone will praise your cleverness and wisdom. You will get all the things you desire very easily. Your will develop interest in reading books. You will be cheerful.
8th to 15th March:- The transition of the Moon into the eleventh house on the 8th and 9th will be pleasant. You will get back the money that was stuck. The hard work done in this time will be fruitful for you. You will be tolerant. You will have an interest in divine bhajans. The 10th and 11th will be the time to stay aware. Control your anger and your words. Stay away from any arguments and disputes. The time is not favourable so, cautions are much needed.
There could be some differences between couples because of a third person. The time will be good on the 12th and 13th and you will do every work with intelligence and wisdom, and you will achieve your objective very easily. The 14th and 15th are normal days. No big change is expected.
16th to 23rd March:- You will be mentally satisfied on the 16th. There will be lovable relations with your parents. There will be an increase in expenses. The work will be done according to your wishes. The 17th and 18th, and half the day of the 19th will be money- gaining days. You will do your work with full energy and enthusiasm. The work which you were much concerned about, will be completed so smoothly that you will be surprised. The unknown fear in your heart will be removed. The disputes with your partner will be resolved, and you will spend your time lovingly and in a dignified manner. From the afternoon of the 19th to the 21, the time is not good. There will be hurdles and obstacles in the job or business. Do not sign any papers without thorough reading, otherwise much harm can be caused. The time will be knowledge gaining on the 22nd and 23rd. You will be a hard-working person at this time.
24th to 31 March:- The elderly persons would like to spend the time in meditation, prayers, and bhajan singing on the 24th, 25th, and 26th. The time is very good. Old problems will be resolved. You will targets and will be making continuous efforts to spend more time with the family. You will set new fulfill them. There will be government benefits gained on the 27th and 28th. Students will give their 200%. Exam results will be as per expectations. You will enjoy your life fully. Your health could be weak on the 29th and 30th. You may be suffering from a cold and cough. Friends will deceive you. Stay away from participate in some religious activities. bad company. The time is good on the 31". You will