Planetary position:- In the beginning of the month, Jupiter in lagna in Taurus, Mars in the 2nd house of Gemini, Ketu in the 5th house of Virgo, Sun+Saturn in the 10th house of Aquarius, and Mercury+Moon+Venus+Rahu in the 11th house of Pisces; are in transit.
1st to 7th March:- You may go for outing somewhere on the 1st and 2nd. Your travels will be very enjoyable. You will get profits. You will be successful at winning the hearts of people. The time is adverse on the 3rd and 4th. Because of the twelfth- housed Moon, your mind will be unstable. There will be varied thoughts in your mind. Some very big jolt may affect you. Someone will play with your feelings. So be wise in your feelings and financial matters. The time will be totally favourable for you between the 5th and 7th. There will be a strengthening of ties with family and friends' relationships. This will be the right time to start any new task. Your position will be strengthened, and along with this, you will also get prestige and identity. Your wisdom will outshine everyone.
8th to 15th March:- The time will be spent in a satisfactory manner resulting in mental peace to you on the 8th and 9th. You will take out some time for yourself. You will take some rest, and then again you will resume to be busy in your work routine. The time is favourable on the 10th and 11th. You will see progress in your business. There are strong chances of receiving money. This is the best time for the media-related people, writers, students, professors, and stage-related people.
You will be full of energy. You will finish your work very speedly. The time will be quarrelsome between the 12th and 14th. Suddenly there will be inauspicious news from somewhere. You will not like the interference of others but such people will be abundant in your life. The 15th will be a knowledge gaining day. You will change yourself and this will attract others to you.
16th to 23rd March:- The 16th will be a knowledge gaining day for you. The time will begin fabulously There will be an atmosphere of camaraderie at your home, office, and workplace. There will be closeness in every relationship. The time is good on the 17th, 18th and 19th. All the hurdles before you will be over. Your prestige and fame will be enhanced in the society for you. Your time will be spent in love and romance. You will finish your incomplete work and business plans. You will be relaxed with your children, because they will understand their responsibilities. The seventh housed Moon will allow you to spend the time very calmly on the 20th and 21st. You will remember your idol from time to time. In this period, your work will be o The time is not suitable on the 23rd. There will be some physical pains. At home, there will be worry about elderly people.
24 to 31 March:- The time will be good on the 24, 25th and 26th. At this time, you will feel joy while working. You will understand other people's feelings, and they will appreciate you. The 27th and 28th will be prestige building days. Yoy will become Money- related worries will be over. This is the best time for developing your contacts and communication. You will collect some means of income on the 29th and 30th. You will do some work for extra income. The evening of the 30th to the 31st will not be favourable. There will be some disagreement with someone at home. You will be sad remembering the past.