Planetary position:- In the beginning of the month, Ketu in lagna in Virgo, Sun+Saturn in the 6th house of Aquarius, Mercury+Venus+Moon+Rahu in the 7th house of Pisces, Jupiter in the 9th house of Taurus, and Mars in the 10th house of Gemini; are in transit.
1st to 7th March:- On the 1st and 2nd, the seventh- housed Moon will increase marital pleasure. There will be a sweetness in the relationship of couples. The company of close friends could be helpful in the rise of your fortune. This is the right time to make your dreams come true. You will get opportunities to do travelling. The time is not favourable on the 3rd and 4th, so be careful. No important business dealings at the moment. You will not be courageous at the moment. You need to do every work very cautiously. Officers will be resentful. Enemies will dominate you. The 5th, 6th and 7th will be victorious days. You will get success continuously. Your hardship and labour will be fruitful. Travels related to business extension will be successful. You will face some harsh realities.
8th to 15th March:- You will do normal work on the 8th and 9th, Government works will be speeding up. The pending works of home construction, etc will restart again. You will receive auspicious news from somewhere. The 10th and 11th will be all beneficial days. There will be special fame for you in society and politics. You will be successful in love affairs. materialistic luxuries and facilities at home will There are chances of good profits in business. Your increase. Court cases will speed up.
You will unnecessarily get entangled with relatives problems may distract you. The incoming money on the 12th, 13th and 14th. Projects will fail. Gastric may stuck. Don't do any illegal work out of greed. The time will improve on the 15th
16th to 23rd March:- The facing Moon is in transition in your zodiac on the 16th, so health will be at its best. Your friend or any relative may seek your help. The 17th, 18th, and 19th will be a time for normal results. You will spend time with your family. There are chances of sudden money gains. You may have feeling of laziness. You will participate in some festivities. Some of your old problems will be resolved. Financial conditions will be strengthened on the 20th and 21st. You will progress in your workplace. There could be a sudden travel program. You may have contact with some renowned personalities. The 22nd and 23rd will be very bad days. There will be tough competition for you. Some hurdles in your work may cause you tension and frustration. There will be some betrayal with you. Someone might hurt you. Read carefully all the business agreements before finalising them.
24th to 31st March:- The problems will be lessened between the 24th to 26th. The doors of success will be opened. Your efforts will be successful up to a greater extent. The worries related to your children's success will be over. There will be peaceful and pleasant atmosphere at home. Your mood will be full of excitement. Students will do their work very nicely and the results will be favourable. There will be an increase in pleasure on the 27th and 28th. Your pending or halted work will be completed with the help of some approachable person. You will be full of excitement and enthusiasm on the 29th and 30th Unemployed persons will get some job opportunity. The time is not favourable on the 31st. You will have some health problem. Drive your vehicle carefully.