Birth Time Rectification

The Vedic astrology service is based on one birth chart, planetary positions at the time of birth, and geographical location on the basis of which the astrologers create detailed charts and reports for every individual. However, there are cases where people are not aware of their exact birth time, Astro Yukti offers this service for Birth Time Rectification to help people.

Astro Yukti is always ready to help people who do not have a record of their exact birth time, not knowing your exact birth time is not a hindrance in knowing your future possibilities, the practice is based on proven Vedic Science and is absolutely accurate and reliable.

To rectify your Birth Time, Astro Yukti asks your key life events, and we need at least five life events that have a lasting impact on your life, some such events could be as follows:

  • Marriage Date
  • Date of your Children birth
  • Purchase date of House
  • Purchase date of Car
  • Traveling dates outside the country
  • Date of First Employment
  • Date if any major injury
  • Date of your new business
  • Date of your new job
  • Any other significant life event

The expert astrologers at Astro Yukti do reverse calculations from your life events basis their date of occurrence and the planetary positions at those times, the D9 divisional chart also holds a lot of information for this purpose. Similarly, other sub-divisional charts are also considered and based on all the charts, the astrologers come to a definite conclusion of your exact birth time.

The details that the Birth Time Rectification report provides are:

  • Exact time of Birth
  • Latitude and Longitude of Birth Place
  • Month and Day as per Lunar Calendar
  • Positions of planets and key planets
Order your Birth Time Rectification report now from Astro Yukti to help secure your future.

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