Navgraha Yantra for Prosperity

Venerating this yantra kills the malefic impacts of the malefic planets and their cynicism. It reinforces the great planets and expands their beneficial outcomes.

Benefits of Navgraha Yantra for Prosperity:

  • This yantra eliminates all the planetary Doshas or the shrewd impacts and antagonism related to their situating.
  • This yantra brings energy, great wellbeing, achievement, and otherworldliness in the existence of the local.
  • It upgrades the great impacts of the very much positioned planets.
  • It pulls in and shields riches.
  • Navagrah Yantra gets joy and agreement the existence of the local.


USD 40 / INR 2500

About Navgraha Yantra for Prosperity

Navgraha Yantra removes negative effects of malefic planets and gives positivity in native’s life. All negative vibrations, fear and anxiety removed by this yantra. It gives good education, wealth, health and desired success. It increases good effects of planets and weak planets also gets strengthen. This yantra blesses with all nine planets energies which brings happiness and harmony in life. It also protects the family from injuries and accidents. This yantra is extremely beneficial for students.

USD 40 / INR 2500